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What is the best way to use Pocket Prep in my program?

Best Practices in Student Onboarding and using Pocket Prep

Allison Sparber avatar
Written by Allison Sparber
Updated yesterday

Best Practices in Student Onboarding

To determine whether it is beneficial to require students to use Pocket Prep in your program, the first step is to evaluate its suitability. Initially, we recommend mandating its usage to help your students quickly familiarize themselves with Pocket Prep as a study tool. This is crucial for two main reasons:

  1. It aids in the development of strong study habits among your students.

  2. Scientific research has shown that studying in a quiz format enhances long-term memory retention. Our study prep is built on learning science principles and specifically designed for short study sessions throughout the day, which promotes a deeper understanding of complex concepts and improves overall recall ability.

For instance, a practical example would be to encourage students to participate in the Question of the Day (QotD) every weekday, from Monday to Friday, and complete 5 Build Your Own quizzes each week. In these personalized quizzes, students should choose the subject areas that align with the curriculum they are studying.

Maximizing the Use of Pocket Prep

To maximize the effectiveness of Pocket Prep, and ensure your students are fully prepared for their exam, we recommend completing all questions with a score of 80% or higher. Encouraging your students to strive for this benchmark will significantly enhance their mastery of the exam material.

  • Set Clear Study Goals: Work with your students to establish specific study goals, such as completing a certain number of practice questions or covering a particular topic each week. Breaking down the preparation process into manageable chunks can keep them motivated and focused.

  • Reinforce the Importance of Regular Practice: Encourage students to make Pocket Prep a part of their daily study routine. Remind them that consistent practice builds confidence and boosts their chances of success. Encourage them to complete a Quick 10 or Build Your Own Quiz to get them engaged and using Pocket Prep right away. We see the best long-term success when people jump in and start early.

  • Align Pocket Prep to Course Curriculum - Have students complete Build Your Own, Level Up, or Quick 10 quizzes that align with the subject you are teaching on a week-to-week basis. Once they complete a quiz you can view their Study Activity to see how they did.

  • Get it Wrong: Let your students know that getting answers wrong is part of the learning process. At the end of the week, once students have completed a series of quizzes, they can review their progress on their Stats tab and do Weakest Subject or Missed Question quizzes to go over the content they originally missed.

  • Foster Peer Support: Encourage your students to form study groups or engage in discussions where they can share insights and help each other. Collaboration and peer support can enhance their learning experience.

Other Implementation Ideas

Get Students Engaged Early with Pocket Prep Quiz Modes

Encourage students to activate their license, download the Pocket Prep app, and complete either a Quick 10, Level Up, or Build Your Own quiz as soon as possible. You can view their quiz activity and outcomes in the Dashboard. Afterward, encourage consistent weekly usage and keep track of their progress.

Incorporate Pocket Prep into your class or program’s grade

To boost motivation, facilitate learning, and maximize the benefits of Pocket Prep, consider incorporating the app usage into students' grades. For instance, if a student answers 80% of the Pocket Prep questions correctly, you can assign them an 80% grade on a specific portion of their overall grade. To further incentivize students, you can introduce bonus points for the number of questions they answer correctly. By making it clear that Pocket Prep contributes to their grade, students are more likely to actively utilize the app.

**Pro Tip: To help students stay on track, you can divide the total number of questions in Pocket Prep by the number of weeks in your program. Set clear expectations for students to complete all the questions by the end of the program.

Teach the Teacher

Utilize Pocket Prep questions and subjects for student assignments, allowing them to give brief lessons to their teacher and classmates. This promotes active engagement, understanding of the material, and a collaborative learning environment.

Class Discussion with Pocket Prep Questions

Facilitate class discussions by incorporating Pocket Prep questions into your classroom or webinar sessions. This can be based on topics that students struggle with the most, questions they have missed or flagged, or topics currently being discussed. This interactive approach promotes a collaborative learning environment and allows for in-depth exploration of key concepts.

Flagged Question Fridays

Students have the option to flag a question in the Pocket Prep app and revisit it at a later time. As an instructor, you can check the questions students have flagged through the Instructor Dashboard. Let your students know that you will review these flagged questions and schedule a class discussion to address any commonly flagged questions. You can access the flagged questions from the Content tab to see all of them or choose a specific student to view their flagged questions individually. This feature promotes active learning and helps address any areas of confusion or difficulty that students may have.

Create Friendly Competition

Implement regular challenges for students to answer a specific number of questions. Recognize and reward students who successfully complete the challenge. Additionally, consider providing a reward for the student with the highest percentage of correct answers.

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